
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brief Interlude: Scientist Is IN! at Sant Ocean Hall...

Pix from my first "Scientist Is In" session at the NMNH Sant Ocean Hall today...(thanks to Mary Sangrey for the classy pix!)

More Sand Dollar Stuff tomorrowish!!


  1. Sweet looks like both you and the crowd had fun, and I know they walked away with better understanding of the echinoderms...Wish I could have been there. I lament that I may never it first hand.

    I gotta ask about the T-shirt it looks awesome! I collect sciency t-shirts like most people collect concert shirts.

  2. I'm sure you will make your pilgramage some day1

    The T-shirt is a "department special" and has historically only been sold internally. But the next time they order up a batch I will see if extras can be made up for sale....

  3. Wow, you look so professional! I agree, the t-shirt is way cool.
