
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sea Cucumber Behavior via teh Intarwebs! Look at all the things they do!

I am still catching up with my life following my return from Hawaii last week, so here's a bunch of cool sea cucumber videos showing various aspects of behavior!

from JAMSTEC- a relatively new video of a deep-sea swimming cucumber (Tonia informs me that these are Benthothuria!)

A second swimming sea cucumber, Benthothuria, at 1:02 (I've shown this one before-but its such high quality I never get tired of it!) And thanks to Neptune Canada for reminding me about it!

Here is a video of an infamous pearlfish! The oh-so popular fish that lives in the rectal cavities of sea cucumbers! Go here to check the blog on this out if you haven't already!

Some soothing if priapulic holothurian spawning action (looks like tropical Pacific!)

This one almost seems to be dancing to the music!

And today because you always complain that I never take you anywhere nice, here's a fun little song about evisceration...

Back soon with more goodies!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,
    It's Tonya. I visited NHNM last three weeks.
    Two large swimming holothurians (first and second videos) are probably Benthothuria.
