I discovered this really great photoset on Flickr by photographer Solvin Zanki and even though there's no echinoderms and the beasts in question are pelagic (most echinos are bottom dwellers) I thought i would put out an extra this week for these exceptional images...
My understanding is that most of these are from a cruise off Angola (west coast of Africa)..
Phronima-an amphipod that "burrows" into salps and lives in their husks...
like this...
Gigantocypris muelleri- a deep sea ostracod (crustacean with two valves)
A swimming polychaete with its proboscis (jaw) extended..
A swimming snail called Clio recurva
A swimming tomopterid polychaete.. (swimming worm with paddles instead of legs)

Red deep-sea amphipod
Planktonic copepod
Magnapinna atlantica Squid up close
here's the rest of it...
You can go here to see the full photo set!
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