Thursday, September 27, 2012

Some amazing pelagic invertebrate images from Solvin Zanki!


I discovered this really great photoset on Flickr by photographer Solvin Zanki and even though there's no echinoderms and the beasts in question are pelagic (most echinos are bottom dwellers) I thought i would put out an extra this week for these exceptional images...

My understanding is that most of these are from a cruise off Angola (west coast of Africa)..

Phronima-an amphipod that "burrows" into salps and lives in their husks...
Phronima sp. This amphipod was the inspiration for the character in the movie "Alien".

Phronima sp. This amphipod was the inspiration for the character in the movie "Alien".

like this...

Phronima sp. This amphipod was the inspiration for the character in the movie "Alien".

Gigantocypris muelleri- a deep sea ostracod (crustacean with two valves)
Gigantocypris muelleri

A swimming polychaete with its proboscis (jaw) extended..

A swimming snail called Clio recurva
Clio recurva

A swimming tomopterid polychaete.. (swimming worm with paddles instead of legs)

Red deep-sea amphipod
Flohkrebs Lanceola sp.

Planktonic copepod
Sapphirina sali

Magnapinna atlantica Squid up close
Magnapinna atlantica

here's the rest of it...
Deep Sea

You can go here to see the full photo set!

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