
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Time Lapse Starfish Videos!

So, between travel, being sick, yesterday's massive Inauguration Day festivities and playing catchup, this week has been crazy!

So here are some neat starfish time lapse videos to keep you informed and entertained!

The awesome video of the tropical shallow-water "chocolate chip star" Protoreaster nodosus, foraging for organic particles and other food on the sea bottom.
Stars of the Sea from Karin Brussaard on Vimeo.

The foraging behavior of the predatory Chilean/Patagonian cold/temperate water Cosmasterias lurida (Stichasteridae)

Some classic videos from the Shape of Life series showing behavioral complexity. Read this article frorm awhile back to see what's going on...
Echinoderms: Sea Star Time-lapse: Eating Dead Fish from Shape of Life on Vimeo.
Echinoderms: Sea Star Time-lapse: Don Wobber's Film from Shape of Life on Vimeo.

Here's a nice HD time lapse of a tiny aquarium asterinid starfish. Note stomach extended and the places where the algae is absent from the glass.
A day in the life of a starfish from Rate My Funeral on Vimeo.

An unusual video that shows what happens when you drop a bunch of Patiriella (bat stars) and let them run free! Starfish show up at about 1:19 (its mostly set up prior to that)

Here's a nice little vid showing Archaster typicus (different from Astropecten-you can tell between the two  by going here to see the differences)  in an aquarium burying itself into gravel

By comparison here is a species of Astropecten from Singapore doing its thing!

The giant Pacific sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) is fast enough that you can see it moving without time-lapse. What happens when you speed it up a bit? 

Hopefully next will be all caught up and I'll be back to posting more!

1 comment:

  1. Is there any journal/paper that discussed their direction of movement? I admit that I find their movements too purposeful for something that lacks brain.

    Another thing, I just found out that sweet sand dollar buns was a thing for quite a while in Japan, complete with its own tokusatsu hero, Sukashikashipan-Man:
