Well, much to my delight, I was able to add this wonderful new species to my collection of echinoderm oddities.

And with the arm shape and distinct spine pattern..could Starro the Conqueror be among us? Disguised as....
Echinodermata! Starfish! Sea Urchins! Sea Cucumbers! Stone Lillies! Feather Stars! Blastozoans! Sea Daisies! Marine invertebrates found throughout the world's oceans with a rich and ancient fossil legacy. Their biology and evolution includes a wide range of crazy and wonderful things. Let me share those things with YOU!
Where's the little target thing in the middle for Green Arrow to shoot at?
Superman hides as Clark Kent with glasses.
Starro hides by just lying down naturally. :-)
Oh ... my .. stars.
You're saying that researchers have discovered Starro in Madagascar!
Alert the Justice Leage!
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