As a follow up to this week's earlier post on Gorgonocephalus- Today we have some nice videos of Gorgonocephalus and its relatives in the Gorgonocephalidae! (i.e., other basket stars!)
A nice Gorgonocephalus time-lapse! (try to ignore the silly music)
Probably not Gorgonocephalus but possibly something related...
Not Gorgonocephalus but probably something related... pt. 2
Echinodermata! Starfish! Sea Urchins! Sea Cucumbers! Stone Lillies! Feather Stars! Blastozoans! Sea Daisies! Marine invertebrates found throughout the world's oceans with a rich and ancient fossil legacy. Their biology and evolution includes a wide range of crazy and wonderful things. Let me share those things with YOU!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
GORGONOCEPHALUS!! Because Weird is what we do!
Gorgonocephalus belongs to the class OPHIUROIDEA, that is, it belongs to the same group as the more typical 5-armed "brittle stars" you may be more familiar with. Such as the one here and the ones here.
Gorgonocephalus occurs mainly in cold-water environments, and is found in the Arctic, the Antarctic and in the deep-sea throughout the world. Although, shallow in some places (such as Alaska, Canada, etc.) it is found mostly in deep-water. There are about 10-12 species (look them up here). Good luck telling them apart though. Many are VERY similar in appearance and are distributed over a wide range...

Unlike most other ophiuroids, the special "basket star" and "serpent star" group have a VERY different arm structure related to how they feed. For example:
1. Arm structure in basket stars has a thick, fleshy covering over the basket star endoskeleton. If we look at a cross-section through the arms, we see in green that there is an exterior leathery "skin" that completely covers the calcium carbonate "ossicles" aka vertebrae that compose the arm structure.
2. Arm structure (i.e., the vertebrae-like endoskeleton) in this group SPLITS (aka bifurcates) instead of staying in a single linear series.

FEEDING in Gorgonocephalus is relatively straightforward. They sit on perches, often corals, sponges, rocks or sometimes just on the seafloor bottom like this:
Gorgonocephalus feed mostly on small crustaceans and similar critters, such as the "northern krill" Meganyctiphanes norvegica . That's in contrast to other kinds of "filter feeders", like crinoids, that pick up small to microscopic food particles.
Functionally, this makes basket stars-PREDATORS! Pretty weird ones, when you think about it..

How do they feed? They use their crazy numerous and COILED arms in big, extended feeding "basket", which coil and curve in and around on this...

Bear in mind that the arms are covered with HOOKS and SPINES!
These hooks function along with spines and the tube feet to capture (i.e., snag and snare)prey that get too close! and work it down to the mouth...

Rosenburg et al. (2005) mention that in high current speeds (> 50 cm/second) these animals have difficulties keeping their arms stretched out and the number of curled arms increased, which they believe will decrease drag!!!
So, an unhappy one might be more like this

So a happy one might look like this!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
NEWSFLASH! Echinoderms are Important to The Carbon Cycle!!
This promises to be a pretty big article and has already been picked up by a number of other popular news outlets, including Nature, Scientist Live, Science Daily, and a host of others...
What the frakkin fruk is a global carbon budget?? What does it matter?? Why should I care?? How are echinoderms involved, anyway???
Carbon, Carbon Cycles & etc...
Carbon is an important element to living organisms and all organic things on the planet. It cycles through living and unliving things, but it is used and reused in all organic systems.
If the "Force" from Star Wars was real, it would be carbon. It binds, us and ties all living things together. Where it gets built up or "sequestered" can be an important consideration for understanding these global cycles.
Carbon cycles through the atmosphere, into the oceans, through organisms, and so on... There are bigger, better websites, like this one, and of course, Wikipedia that more thoroughly outline the details of the carbon cycle. This is the broader idea which encompasses the whole notion of "carbon footprint" (= how much greenhouse gas created by an organization, event, or product),
A SUBSET of the global carbon cycle, of course, occurs in the Oceans. And we can see a diagram of how Carbon cycles through the marine realm...
But let's take a CLOSE-UP look at a specific part of the Marine Carbon Cycle....about "Decomposition & Mineralisation".

Echinoderms (& Other organisms) Enter the Fray!
Echinoderms are essentially MADE out of a mineral called calcium carbonate (CaCO3), also known as limestone, chalk and several other names. The crucial part of this mineral is the carbonate, which is made out of carbon and oxygen. Thus, echinoderm bodies act as kind of a "bank" for carbon on the deep-sea bottom!
It sequesters or stores carbon as part of the process of recycling it back into the water column and beyond! But up til' now, the contribution of carbon to this system was poorly understood.
When echinoderms die (i.e. decompose), their bodies fall apart (i.e., disarticulate) and those carbonate pieces fall into and are buried into the sea bottom and begin the "carbon cycling" process.
The amount of echinoderm carbonate, which is right now, present on ocean bottoms aka the "Standing stock" is about 2.11 Pg of CaCO3 from organisms on the continental shelves, slopes and abyssal depths (1000+ m).
Apparently, more then 80% of global calcium carbonate production from echinoderms comes from animals that occur between 0 and 800 meters!! With the highest amounts attributed to the shelf and upper slope.
The greatest amount of standing stocks included ophiuroids (i.e., brittle stars)....
Apparently, more then 80% of the substantial CaCO3 stocks were found in shallower then 800 m depths, especially from 0 to 500 m.
To refine the number above, echinoderms "sequester" or "capture" about 0.1 gigatons of carbon per year. This is apparently MORE then is "captured" by benthic foraminifera but less when compared against what is "captured" by pelagic (those that live in the open ocean) organisms, which capture about 0.4 to 1.8 gigatons.
By comparison, human activities produce about 5.5 gigatons of carbon every year.
Perhaps most critical is that the authors have found that there are regions around the world where the minerals used to form calcium carbonate are undersaturated (i.e., not as rich in the minerals needed to from calcium carbonate).
The authors attribute this directly to ocean acidification with the gravest concern of what should happen when this reaches the richest "standing stock" areas (i.e., where the bulk of echinoderms occur).
So, we are now JUST learning about the importance of carbon (in the form of calcium carbonate) that is "built up" on the sea bottoms (i.e., the benthos).

Thursday, January 14, 2010
More Exotic Hawaiian Starfish! Valvaster and Astropecten!

Note that this one in Wikipedia? NOT Valvaster (looks like an oreasterid or a goniasterid). Pls. make a note of it!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Monday, January 11, 2010
...from Hawaii: Something you don't see every day Coscinasterias acutispina!
The animal was found by Pauline Fiene and was photographed by nature photographer Cory Pittman (and should be copyright by him). Both Pauline and Cory oversee the cool Sea Slugs of Hawaii site.
Generally, starfishes in the family Asteriidae occur in cold-water regions like Antarctica or Alaska, but every so often-you get a couple that pop up in temperate to tropical shallow waters. For various reasons, asteriids and other forcipulatacean starfish don't generally live in tropical shallow-waters. So, seeing one outside of temperate water is unusual.
Coscinasterias occurs rather widely though, and you can find other species from New Zealand to the tropical Atlantic...Here's some basic taxonomic info..
where it is known by the name yatude hitode, which I believe means "evergreen-palm leaf starfish" (Thanks to Yoicihi K. for the heads up!)
Coscinasterias acutispina is unusual in that it is fissiparous (i.e., it can reproduce asexually-by pulling itself apart), has between 7 to 12 arms and feeds on limpets and other small mollusks.
Ya' wanna know more about unusual Hawaiian Starfish?? Go visit John Hoover's site here.
And thanks to the wonder of Teh Internets! Here is a Youtube Video of this species (but from Japan..I think??) !!
EDIT-Note that there are tiny, little snails on the underside that might be parasitizing the starfish (I don't think they are being fed upon). Thanks to Mudskipper for the call!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Iconaster longimanus: got a starfish? Share it on the Echinoblog!!
Welcome to the first post of the new year! I thought I would kick-off the year with a new kind of post!
Many of you know that as a taxonomist, I am happy (when i have the time) to identify images of various species that are sent to me from YOU the public. BUT up until recently, I performed this service privately. I am one of the few people in the world who can ID these beasts with some authority, so my time to do "freebies" is at a premium.
So, I was thinking that pics of animals I identify CAN (and should?) BE SHARED with the PUBLIC!
and so here we are.
Today's beast is member of the Goniasteridae, called Iconaster longimanus. A beautiful animal that is found in the central Indo-Pacific, including the Philippines, Singapore, the South China Seas, Indonesia, SE Arabia, and in Northern and western Australia, including Queensland in 6-85 meter depths. You can find a paper I wrote about the taxonomy of Iconaster here.
Today's picture was provided by marine photographer Franca Wermuth, whose website can be found here. My understanding is that she's normally a nudibranch afficionado, but has now added starfish to her list of interests! The animal above was photographed in the Philippines from Romblon (Romblon Province, Romblon Island), next to Lugbung Island in about 35 meters depth. Water temperature was 27.2°.
Relatively little is known about Iconaster's biology. Its name Icon is from the Greek eikon for portrait or image, and possibly refers to the way the marginal plates form a frame around the edge. And -aster of course refers to the word "star".
Its species name longimanus translates into "long hands" which clearly makes reference to the extended arms.
The Pulau Hantu blog has a nice picture and an interesting write up on its conservation in Singapore

What may seem common to divers around the the reefs of Pulau Hantu and the Southern Islands, is actually an animal that is listed as "Vulnerable and rare" by The World Conservation Union's Red Data Book.Go HERE to see even MORE pictures of Iconaster longimanus!
The icon star (Iconaster longimanus) is a striking species that occurs on lower reef slopes and the adjacent sea bed around many of the Southern Islands. It feeds on epilithic growth on hard substrata and coral rubble. Zoologically, it is interesting as it has large lecithotrophic eggs which show abbreviated development, without a larval stage. In recent years this sea-star has been found to be moderately common on and around many of the reefs fringing the Southern Islands. However it is considered vulnerable because living on and near the slopes of fringing reefs, it is threatened by reclaimation activities. Additionally, its attractive appearance many lead to over collection as a curio. Such threats are of particular concern given its slow growth rates.
The only thing I can add? Iconaster has been made into a plastic toy!

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