The British Antarctic Survey has recently put out a spread of cool Antarctic invertebrate images. These include this "sea pig" (a sea cucumber, Family Elpidiidae- probably related to the deep-sea Scotoplanes)
What they are calling Gorgonocephalus, (an ophiuroid) apparently perched on an octocoral...
The ubiquitous Antarctic crinoid Promachocrinus, which may be composed of a cryptic species complex
....and this isnt an echinoderm (its an Antarctic amphipod)..but damn. Its cool, isn't it?
Echinodermata! Starfish! Sea Urchins! Sea Cucumbers! Stone Lillies! Feather Stars! Blastozoans! Sea Daisies! Marine invertebrates found throughout the world's oceans with a rich and ancient fossil legacy. Their biology and evolution includes a wide range of crazy and wonderful things. Let me share those things with YOU!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Holiday Echinoblog! Plush/Fuzzy EchinoSculpture at Cal Academy in San Francisco!!
Where else can you find giant 2 foot long models of beach-hopping amphipods wearing Santa hats!???
This visit, I've been visiting my former Masters advisor Rich Mooi and met his very talented and creative students who had created a pair of holiday-themed sea urchin art/plush/fuzzy echinoSculpture!!
Kristin Vollrath, who works on Paleozoic sea urchins served up this Christmas-colored Faux cidaroid...

Monday, December 14, 2009
December Edition! Sea Urchin Videos!!
Today! Some Sea Urchin Videos! Enjoy!
A recent report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on newly created sea urchin barrens in Tasmania. Based on this Dive Survey website, I believe the species is Centrostephanus rodgersii? If someone knows better-please let me know! SEE? This is why common names suck. Multiple news surveys and NO scientific names.
An outstanding series of sea urchin developmental images. From Southern California-so I think Strongylocentrotus??
High Def Fire Urchin! (Astropyga, I think)
More Fire Urchins! (Astropyga, I think) from Manadao Beach, North Sulawasi.
A recent report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on newly created sea urchin barrens in Tasmania. Based on this Dive Survey website, I believe the species is Centrostephanus rodgersii? If someone knows better-please let me know! SEE? This is why common names suck. Multiple news surveys and NO scientific names.
An outstanding series of sea urchin developmental images. From Southern California-so I think Strongylocentrotus??
High Def Fire Urchin! (Astropyga, I think)
More Fire Urchins! (Astropyga, I think) from Manadao Beach, North Sulawasi.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WEIRD SPINES!! Sometimes there's even questions the Echinoblog can't answer!
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Echinoderm Christmas Tree?? Antarctic Cidaroid Sea Urchins!!!
I was just thinking about this:

Antarctic Cidaroid SEA URCHINS!!
Most people by now are probably saying "Okay, I'm not sure I understand a LOT of those words you just said"
So here's the Breakdown: There's sea urchins that live in Antarctica (and elsewhere-mostly in the deep-sea) that belong to a group known as the Cidaridae.
"What? I didn't know sea urchins had skin on their spines????"
YES. Here is close up pic of a sea urchins spine. Notice the blue line around it?? ALL echinoderms, including sea urchins are actually COVERED by a thin, ciliated epidermis.
This epidermis is the primary reason most echinoderms you see don't get covered in encrusting organisms like algae or small grit and how stuff seems to flow over their body surface.

As a result, some cidaroid sea urchin spines have become the substrate for encrusting animals that settle as larvae and cover over the spines!!
Thus, the sea urchin becomes a kind of host for a huge diversity of organisms! (shown here-and below is Austrocidaris)

Multiple kinds of cidaroid sea urchins are known to host these many animal "decorations"! The one shown here is Austrocidaris, but others include (but are not limited to) Rhynchocidaris and Ctenocidaris.
But these "decorations" do MORE then just give the urchin that fine finished look!!! They can actually AFFECT the diversity of the area around it!!!
One study by Heterier et al. which focused on cidaroid sea urchins in the Weddel Sea found that the presence of these sea urchins actually PROMOTED higher species richness of these encrusting animals and increased their overall abundance!!
How does THAT work??
Why? Most of these encrusting animals are filter feeders (i.e., they pick food out of the water) and living on sea urchin spines lifts them into the water water column and off the gritty, dirty bottom! Its all about prime real estate baby!
So, it is hypothesized that these different species of encrusting critters are actually MORE EFFECTIVE at selectively locating sea urchin spines to settle upon then on general rocky bottoms! These species become more "specialized" in finding a place to live.
However, it does not alter the actual composition of overall diversity (i.e., many different kinds of foraminiferan species may settle but not different phyla of organisms).
So, the "decorations" on some of these cidaroid sea urchins can change (however subtly) the composition and richness of its surroundings !!!
Can a "normal" Christmas tree do that?

Happy Holidays from the Echinoblog!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The 2009 Echinoblog Book XMAS List!
So, at around this time last year I blogged about a selection of echinoderm-themed books that I could recommend that might be useful or at least enjoyable to the general public as well as academic personnel. For this reason, I have avoided listing textbooks and/or taxonomic monographs.

Maybe these are for the echinoderm enthusiast in your personal social circle or family? Or maybe its just a special somethin' somethin' for you? Or you just want to recommend a bunch of books to your local natural history library?? Who knows??
As with last year I have some notes on book selection: My criteria were:
1. Sea Stars: Echinoderms of the Asia/Indo-Pacific by Neville Coleman
What it is: Noted marine biology photographer and naturalist Neville Coleman assembles 136 pages packed full of tropical-temperate shallow-water echinoderms!! Starfish, Brittle stars, Sea Urchins, Crinoids and Sea Cucumbers are all prominently featured in a clear taxon by taxon layout that features them in brilliant color on glossy paper.
Although it wasn't clear to me that all the photos have been verified by experts, I know that venerable echinoderm grand dame Loisette Marsh has done many of the sea stars-and that's good enough for me!
Where to get: This can be purchased through Neville Coleman's website here and retails for about 60.00 AUS (=56.00 USD) plus shipping.
2. Treasures of the Tropic Seas by Rene Catala.
What it is: Although out-of-print, this remains one of the most unique "coffee-table" type picture books available. Written by Rene Catala (who is now deceased I believe) the former curator of the Aquarium in Noumea, New Caledonia, this book includes MANY beautiful photos of rare and unusual echinoderms from the South Pacific. Specifically New Caledonia.
There are great pictures of the giant Thromidia as well as Luidia and Euretaster in life, doing things that you would NEVER expect to see them doing. Well, worth it, if you can find it.
Plus you get pictures of worms, crabs, and other marine invertebrate stuffs. So a bargain!!
Where to get: As mentioned, OOP, but can currently be found at Amazon for a range between 13-35.00 although I have seen it go as high as 60.

3. A Field Guide to the Marine Invertebrates of South Australia by Karen Gowlett Holmes
What it is: Karen Gowlett Holmes is a biologist who works for the Australian CSIRO-the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and has done a great job documenting the invertebrate fauna of South Australia.
This is a field guide for a regional fauna in the Southern Hemisphere, which may not be useful to you, as a guide text, if say, you live in northern Europe, but its a cool book and figures MANY fascinating animals that you wouldn't see unless you were doing hundreds of hours of diving in South Australia. Its 333 pages of full color-glossy photographs of temperate water marine invertebrates!! Its the love baby!
What's also unusual about this book is its fidelity. All the animals in this book are vouchered at the South Australian Museum and are formally documented.
Where to get: This can be easily purchased from the authors via Ebay and other natural history book dealers. About 70-75.00 AUS.
4. Sea Stars and Brittle Stars In Japanese Waters by Masaki Saba, Seiichi Irimura with pictures by Isamu Soyama
What it is: There is a dazzling shallow-water echinoderm fauna in Japanese waters-from both tropical and temperate zones and I don't think that most western people realize just how rich it is because of the very distinct cultural gap between Asia (and Japan) versus English-speaking communities. This book does a LOT to show the diversity of starfish and brittle stars from this region.
This book is AWESOME! Beautiful photographs, including several of relatively rare species, including the stunning cover photo of Asterodiscides japonicus but is limited to asteroids and ophiuroids. No sea urchins, holothurians, or crinoids. That being said, there's a lot more room to show variation in color and form. 135 pages (in JAPANESE) of full color photographs. As the Japanese say YATTAH!
Where to get: At first, getting a Japanese book seems daunting, so that's why I'm making it easy for you. JAPAN will accept purchases from English-speaking countries (e.g., the United States) on an English translated website There are certain things to expect of course, increased shipping cost, and etc. but the book is WORTH it. Its a relatively inexpensive book going for only 2520 Yen (=about 29.00 USD) plus shipping.
5. In Deeper Waters by E.H. Chave and A. Malahoff.
What it is: This is one of those kinds of great books that bridges the gap between the hard science and a digestable, public educational product that an interested person can understand.
Basically, its an introductory guide to the operations of the Hawaiian deep-sea operations and diversity operated by my friends at the Hawaiian Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. It starts out with an intro to submersible operations and geology but the great majority o the book is about deep-sea Hawaiian animals.
There's easily 10 pages full of deep-sea echinoderms to enjoy! Not all of them are correctly identified-but many of them are-and the pictures are good. The latter half of the book is an extended table listing new occurrences and data for deep-sea Hawaiian animals, including invertebrates as well as fish.
Its a useful book for all around!
Where to get: Available via, and can be picked up used for as little as 4.00-but nice paperback and hardcover copies are also available as well as Booklines Hawaii.
Got more? Got recommendations?? Let me know!

Maybe these are for the echinoderm enthusiast in your personal social circle or family? Or maybe its just a special somethin' somethin' for you? Or you just want to recommend a bunch of books to your local natural history library?? Who knows??
As with last year I have some notes on book selection: My criteria were:
- The books included echinoderms in some dedicated way
- Books were widely available (usually through
- I can in some way vouch for the starfish identifications OR I think the book has some overall value...
- Disclaimer: There's a lot of ID guide/field guide books that I either use and/or recommend-but these fit the immediate criteria. The absence of a book is not meant as a slight. It may simply be out of print, hard to come by, etc.
1. Sea Stars: Echinoderms of the Asia/Indo-Pacific by Neville Coleman

Although it wasn't clear to me that all the photos have been verified by experts, I know that venerable echinoderm grand dame Loisette Marsh has done many of the sea stars-and that's good enough for me!
Where to get: This can be purchased through Neville Coleman's website here and retails for about 60.00 AUS (=56.00 USD) plus shipping.
2. Treasures of the Tropic Seas by Rene Catala.
What it is: Although out-of-print, this remains one of the most unique "coffee-table" type picture books available. Written by Rene Catala (who is now deceased I believe) the former curator of the Aquarium in Noumea, New Caledonia, this book includes MANY beautiful photos of rare and unusual echinoderms from the South Pacific. Specifically New Caledonia.
There are great pictures of the giant Thromidia as well as Luidia and Euretaster in life, doing things that you would NEVER expect to see them doing. Well, worth it, if you can find it.
Plus you get pictures of worms, crabs, and other marine invertebrate stuffs. So a bargain!!
Where to get: As mentioned, OOP, but can currently be found at Amazon for a range between 13-35.00 although I have seen it go as high as 60.

3. A Field Guide to the Marine Invertebrates of South Australia by Karen Gowlett Holmes

This is a field guide for a regional fauna in the Southern Hemisphere, which may not be useful to you, as a guide text, if say, you live in northern Europe, but its a cool book and figures MANY fascinating animals that you wouldn't see unless you were doing hundreds of hours of diving in South Australia. Its 333 pages of full color-glossy photographs of temperate water marine invertebrates!! Its the love baby!
What's also unusual about this book is its fidelity. All the animals in this book are vouchered at the South Australian Museum and are formally documented.
Where to get: This can be easily purchased from the authors via Ebay and other natural history book dealers. About 70-75.00 AUS.
4. Sea Stars and Brittle Stars In Japanese Waters by Masaki Saba, Seiichi Irimura with pictures by Isamu Soyama

This book is AWESOME! Beautiful photographs, including several of relatively rare species, including the stunning cover photo of Asterodiscides japonicus but is limited to asteroids and ophiuroids. No sea urchins, holothurians, or crinoids. That being said, there's a lot more room to show variation in color and form. 135 pages (in JAPANESE) of full color photographs. As the Japanese say YATTAH!
Where to get: At first, getting a Japanese book seems daunting, so that's why I'm making it easy for you. JAPAN will accept purchases from English-speaking countries (e.g., the United States) on an English translated website There are certain things to expect of course, increased shipping cost, and etc. but the book is WORTH it. Its a relatively inexpensive book going for only 2520 Yen (=about 29.00 USD) plus shipping.
5. In Deeper Waters by E.H. Chave and A. Malahoff.

Basically, its an introductory guide to the operations of the Hawaiian deep-sea operations and diversity operated by my friends at the Hawaiian Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. It starts out with an intro to submersible operations and geology but the great majority o the book is about deep-sea Hawaiian animals.
There's easily 10 pages full of deep-sea echinoderms to enjoy! Not all of them are correctly identified-but many of them are-and the pictures are good. The latter half of the book is an extended table listing new occurrences and data for deep-sea Hawaiian animals, including invertebrates as well as fish.
Its a useful book for all around!
Where to get: Available via, and can be picked up used for as little as 4.00-but nice paperback and hardcover copies are also available as well as Booklines Hawaii.
Got more? Got recommendations?? Let me know!
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